The Next Step
If you would like to arrange an appointment or you need more information, please contact me in confidence using the telephone number or e-mail address which can be found Here.
As well as gaining an understanding of the reasons why you want to engage in therapy and what you would like to achieve, the first session is also to establish that the therapy I offer is right for you and that you are comfortable working with me. There is also a small amount of paperwork to complete which will be fully explained during the session.
The remainder of the session and subsequent sessions are for you to talk about the issues that have brought you to counselling and for us to work through them together. The number of sessions required will depend on the nature of the issues you wish to address and the outcome you are looking for. This can be discussed during the first appointment and reviewed periodically in future sessions.
The Natural Health Centre
The Thoroughfare
IP12 1AS
© 2018 Philippa Davey Counselling Solutions
Ipswich & Woodbridge